jueves, 22 de julio de 2010

100.000 Domains .CO in the first hour.

.CO domains already started for General Public and on the first hour more than 100.000 domains, 8.200 in the first minute and 100.000 on the first 22 minutes, all without technical problems and working perfectly.

At this time there are more than 279.000 domains .CO registered.

As it was commented before, the domain .CO has brought fresh air to the over populated .COM world and many well known companies are using the .CO extension like Twitter using t.co or the political blog in the United States “Politico” using politi.co.

The three most highlighted characteristics of domains .CO is that, they are Global, Trustworthy and of easy to remember.

One of the most notorious facts is the effort that .CO Internet S.A.S. has put in transforming domains .CO in one of the most trustworthy extension there is.

The technological capacity was demonstrated considerably in responding to thousand requests in less than half an hour during the opening.

The domain .CO offers optimum protection and security measures for users and their intellectual property forcing them to use their information and with that assure a transparent WHOIS which moves away the cybersquatters and this is also combined with other legal protection measures.

Source: http://www.cointernet.com.co/

Juan Enrique Sánchez S.
Domains Latin America

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