jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

Discount for Second Level Domains in Costa Rica

From May 1 second level domains in Costa Rica will have a discount of 20%.

This reduction comes from the permanent effort of the Latin American NICs to make the registration in the region more attractive.

Juan Enrique Sánchez S.
Domains Latin América

viernes, 17 de abril de 2009

Stages for the Registration of .MX

There will be 3 stages for the Registration of .MX

· Pre-Registration
· Waiting Period
· Initial Period of Registration


Duration: May 1st 2009 to July 31st 2009.

The domain names already registered before May 1st 2009 will be blocked so that they are not able to be transferred or deleted during this period.

An accredited Registrar before NIC Mexico is needed (check list).

On this stage ONLY those who have registered a “Domain of Origin” can request a .MX domain.

“Domains of Origin” is any domain registered before March 1st 2009 under any of the following extensions: COM.MX, .NET.MX, .ORG.MX, .EDU.MX, or .GOB.MX.

The information of the .MX will be the same as the domain of origin.

Under .MX the exact domain name of “Domain of Origin” will be able to be requested.

If there are more than 1 request the domain .MX will be given to the one that has the seniority in “Domain of Origin”.

A domain name that is already registered can not be requested, when a domain name is reserved or when the “Domain of Origin” is in Transfer Process.

The domains name will be registered for 1 year.

The price will be US$35.

The information of the assigned domains can be checked at www.whois.mx.

Waiting Period:

Duration: From the 1st to the 31st of August 2009.

No new request will be received only the pending requests will be processed.

The requests from the 1st stage can be checked at www.whois.mx.

In case you are not satisfied with how the domain name was assigned during this period you will have a chance to initiate a claim.

At the end of this period, the domains are were assigned under .MX will be activated.

Also at this time, the unblocking of transfers and deletion will be done for those registrations before March 1st 2009.

Initial Period of Registration:

Duration: September 1st to October 31st 2009.

Any person interested will be able to request a domain.

The system “first come, first served” will apply.

The registration period will be for 1 year.

A special outline for prices will be used, escalated, starting with the highest price to be decreasing gradually.

The charge will apply immediately.

There will be reserved domains as for example domains related with ICANN, IANA, etc.

No domains with 1 or 2 characters will be allowed with exception of those that were registered before May 1st 2009.

Juan Enrique Sánchez S.
Domains LatinAmérica

jueves, 2 de abril de 2009

The Tender for the .CO domains starts

On March 31st the Ministry of Communications of Colombia has opened the tender for domains .CO.

The new administrator will be in charge of promotions, management and technical operations for the domains .CO although the Ministry will have under its responsibility the definition of politics, control of the activities and the surveillance of domains .CO.

Second level domain will be approved, therefore directly under .CO, for example business.co. Also, it is said that the cost of the domains .CO could go down in an 80%.

After the selection of the administrator of domain.co, starts the approval from the responsible entity of the coordination of the worlds domain names system (ICANN) so that the politics approved by the Ministry of Communications come to effect.


Juan Enrique Sánchez S.
Domains Latin América

Extension .NET.BR Will Be Liberated.

NIC Brasil announced the next liberation of the extension net.br
to allow brazilian people and companies to register it.

Today domains .net.br are allowed only for companies related multimedia
communication, networks, specialized circuits and those having autonomus
systems connected to internet.

On april 06 will, begins a sunrise period of 6 months where the owners
of a .com.br will have a reservation for the same domain name under
.net.br and they could ask for it. This period will finished on October 6.

On October 27 the registration of .net.br will be free for any one with
local presence.

Source: registro.br

Juan Enrique Sánchez S.
Domains Latinamerica