martes, 10 de agosto de 2010

Chile advances on the Migration of IPV6

Next Thursday August 12th, NIC Labs, Laboratory dependent of NIC Chile, will have a seminar presenting the project of Ipv6 for Chile at the Universidad de Chile.

This initiative private-public unites relevant local technological actors and will conduct the upgrade of the Chilean Internet network and their interconnection using the new Ipv6 protocols, technology designed to increase IP addresses availability in the global network, and it will entail the biggest reconfiguration of the Internet since its beginnings.

The subject is not minor since it had already been informed that only 10% of the addresses had not been assigned under the old protocol IPv4 (

The implementation of IPv6 is a key factor for the development of the Internet since it will allow the network to support billions of people and machines to connect to it in the future.

More information at:

Juan Enrique Sánchez S.
Domains Latin America